
Members of the public listen to comments from City Councilman Dillon

Members of the public listen to comments from City Councilman Dillon

Members of the public listen to comments from City Councilman Dillon
The Dillon City Council on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, discussed comments made by Councilman John Woods two weeks earlier. Several residents expressed concern about comments from Woods, who sits on the far left of the table wearing red.
Ryan Spencer/Summit Daily News

Local residents raised concerns at the Dillon City Council meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 22, regarding comments Councilman John Woods made at a meeting two weeks earlier.

Residents who spoke during public comment at the Oct. 22 meeting said Woods made comments recommending against purchasing units in a condominium complex in the city. The comments were made in the context of a discussion about maintenance issues at an apartment complex.

city ​​recording of the meeting held on Tuesday, October 8, did not record Wood’s comments, but several residents, as well as the mayor and other council members, said they heard the comments. Dillon City Manager Nathan Johnson said due to an audio glitch, comments were not recorded and the footage was not edited.

In the recording of the Oct. 8 meeting, the comments in question are not heard, but Woods asks, “Is that on the recording?” to which Mayor Carolyn Skowira said, “Yes, it’s definitely on record.” Later at the Oct. 8 meeting, Woods said he wanted to change his previous comments about the apartment complex.

Sue Gannett, president of the homeowners association for the apartment complex in question, called Woods’ comments “disparaging,” “false” and “defamatory.” Gannett called on the board to “take disciplinary action and remove Woods from the board.”

At the Oct. 22 meeting, Woods admitted to making a comment that he would not buy an apartment in the apartment complex, but disagreed with the specific language some residents alleged he said. According to him, it was “implied” that he meant that he would not buy a place there until the contention issue was resolved.

On Oct. 22, the Dillon City Council voted to update the Oct. 8 minutes to include language that council members felt better reflected comments made during the meeting.

“I’m not a career politician,” Woods said. “Sometimes I speak before I think.”