
Trump will leave the West behind; Kamala Harris will meet with Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen

Trump will leave the West behind; Kamala Harris will meet with Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen

On the National Mall, a few blocks west of the Capitol, an art installation depicting what can only be described as a bronze poop emoji has been installed above former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s desk.

Washington D.C.’s latest monument features a faux stone base with a plaque that reads: “This monument honors the brave men and women who entered the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, to plunder, urinate, and defecate these hallowed halls.” It honors women to cancel the election.”

The piece itself bears no indication of who crafted it, but a public assembly permit provided to NBC News by the National Park Service states that Julia Jimenez-Pyzik of Civic Crafted LLC applied to place it there starting Oct. 31.

The permit was intended to “exhibit two works of art expressing the principles of democracy, justice and freedom.”

According to the permit, the work appears to be titled “Decisive Table.”

“This table represents the heart of democracy, where decisions are made, voices are heard, and the future is shaped,” the permit states. The statement is included. “More than just a place to work, it is a testament to the ideals of transparency, accountability and representation.”

“Here the power of the people finds expression in the diligent efforts of those who serve the common good,” he continues. “When rebels move in to destroy these ideals, this table stands tall and so must the principles of equality, justice and freedom it represents.”

The permit also states that there will be another sculpture called “Tiki Torch,” which depicts a hand emerging from a stone base and holding a hand. The permit states it is planned to be installed at 7 a.m. on Oct. 28 at Freedom Plaza on Pennsylvania Avenue, between the Capitol and the White House.