
Daylight saving time ends on Sunday in 2024: will we gain or lose an hour of sleep?

Daylight saving time ends on Sunday in 2024: will we gain or lose an hour of sleep?

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — As the hype around daylight saving time grows, many are wondering whether they will gain or lose an hour of sleep this fall.

The answer is clear: in the fall you will gain an hour, and in the spring you will lose one.

At 2am on Sunday, November 3rd, Daylight Saving Time will officially end and we’ll have to set our clocks back an hour.

And if your alarm is set for 6am, it will take an extra hour to reach that time because the clocks have been set back. So we “retreat” and gain an hour in the day. Many of us will use it for sleep.

Looking ahead, on March 9, 2025, we will “leap forward” again, and although we will lose an hour of sleep at night, we will be able to enjoy another hour of daylight at a time of year when it is possible. best put to good use.

The first day of fall in 2024 was Sunday, September 22 at 8:44 am.

It was the autumnal equinox, marking the beginning of the third season and the end of summer. The equinox occurs simultaneously all over the world.

The winter solstice will take place on Saturday, December 21st at 4:19 am. end of autumn and beginning of winter.

From now on, each day will increase in length until the summer solstice on Friday, June 20, 2025 at 10:41 p.m.

The Uniform Time Act allows states to exempt themselves from observing daylight saving time, so not every state observes it.

Most of Arizona and all of Hawaii are not observing. The same goes for Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa and the US Virgin Islands.

And Indiana was late to the party. Daylight saving time began only in 2006.